At this time, I am meeting with clients via Telehealth. I use Simple Practice which ensures a HIPPA compliant platform. You will receive an email link right before our appointment, or you can log into your portal account and join the session that way. Put on your comfies, grab a snack and let's talk about it.
It's important to find a balance between being who you are and fitting in.
Whether a tween or almost ready to launch, adolescence is really hard.
It's always been a difficult time, but social media and pop culture has had an enormous impact on the expectations and fragile self-esteem of this age group. My work with adolescents focuses on self-confidence, normalizing experiences, coping with conflict, readiness to launch and support.
Social Skills
Some individuals long for friends, but have a hard time knowing what to do and when to do it. Others struggle with social anxiety, feel awkward and believe that others will see their awkwardness and won't like them. Past social traumas can negatively affect current social interactions. I process social interactions as they occur during age appropriate, therapeutic activities, games or conversation. I teach skills directly and experientially, process poor interactions in the moment while attending to emotional safety, model effective social interactions and reinforce progress. Improving self-esteem and normalizing challenges underscore everything. Learning while doing, understanding social cues and experiencing success are the goals. Social skills work can be done individually or in small groups and are tailored to the client's specific needs. They may include:
practical strategies for dealing with bullies or mean girls
personal space
starting & maintaining a conversation
coping with intense feelings, like anger
knowing what to talk about
having a two-way conversation
projecting confidence without bragging
relating appropriately to the opposite sex
knowing when to stop talking about an interest
code switching (using different voice tone for your audience; for example, you would talk differently to a policeman than to a puppy)